September Roundup


Thought I would share a flavour of some of the work I have been doing today as I work on various video projects. One has been adjusting the audio levels and clarity of the latest film "The Seduction of Monet Dawson" #MonetDawson along with finalising the credits and adjusting some of the shots. The film will be released later this year/early next year.

Next on the list is setting the shots for the latest adverts for #BushcraftLabUK reviewing and testing the latest in camping cookers. Three cameras were used for the filming of this to try and get the best angles for all the equipment. To see some of the videos previously made have a look at the webpage which explains a bit more about them and the company.

Later will be setting the camera rig to hopefully film a podcast interview in Cambridge tomorrow as long as the weather plays ball. 

Soon to be released will be the Anglia in Bloom Awards Ceremony #AngliaInBloom held in St Ives on the 10th Sep. 

You can see move of the finished videos on our YouTube Channel
