October Update


It’s been a busy couple of weeks since the last post. 

First up was a big one - Anglia in Bloom – the filming of the Award ceremony from the Burgess Hall in St Ives. At 1hr 53min it is a long show and I don’t expect anyone to actually watch it all. I will try and add markers so viewers can jump straight in a watch the category they were entered in.
Please share the link so as many of those groups who entered and watch the video. https://youtu.be/8V6XW5sz8PU
The Outdoors
Next is the Bushcraft lab UK videos which are great fun to film and supplied with a never-ending pot 😊
of curry Wurst. This is a chance to take several new products into the field and road test them properly, straight from the package and usually burning them
This set of videos looked at compact cooking stoves. To watch them have a look here - https://youtu.be/4QXBr2arBaY
More Showbiz
We have been working with The Ukulele Orchestra of Spalding to make a couple of videos for their music. One song has been selected as a finalist in the “BBC Song for Lincolnshire” and the other is being judged for another competition. Good luck to them.

HCC Stonea
The historical site of Stonea Camp had an open day in September to help raise awareness about the cultural and historical links of the area to Roman and Iceni times. The site has been occupied over many hundreds of years.
A record of the event will be available soon.

Monet Dawson News
A new Facebook page has been setup all about the development and life of the film. The page can be found at - https://www.facebook.com/MonetDawsonFilm
